How To Stop Drinking Alcohol

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Alcohol Detox

What Is The Best Way To Stop Drinking?

When finding the best ways to stop drinking, the first thing to consider is your relationship with alcohol. Everyone has what works for them, so it is worth looking into what that may be.

At EliteVita, our team specialises in effective treatments designed to make your transition away from alcohol as comfortable and as safe as possible.

Do You Feel It’s Time To Stop Drinking?

If your relationship with alcohol is ruining your other relationships and lifestyle, including career prospects, finance, general health and well-being. These are the tell-tale signs that you are suffering from alcoholism.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is when you cannot get past a day without alcohol. If you are dependent on alcohol, and you are ready to make those changes in your life to become sober, then it is worth looking at your options.

What Other Tell-Tale Signs Are There?

There are many signs to look out for. Some symptoms can be more noticeable in you than others, so it is essential to realise how alcohol can affect your health differently.

Even drinking in moderation can make you feel unwell; this is an insight into how much the body struggles to process alcohol.

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More effects of alcohol

The more you drink, the more likely you notice other health effects, too, like:

Naturally, over time, these effects will pile up and manifest other problems to go along with them.

Whether you are here for yourself or a loved one, it is essential, to be honest about how you feel about your relationship with alcohol and how you can guide yourself, or someone close, away from their addiction and towards a new lease of a sober life.

What Are My Treatment Options?

At EliteVita, an experienced team has worked with various approaches and treatments to tackle alcohol addiction. In addition, we have safe and controlled alcohol detox programs available at our clinic or from the comfort of your home and effective aftercare treatment to help you maintain a sober lifestyle.

Before any treatments take place, it is vital that you, or the loved one in question, is ready to live a sober life. It is not in the interest of anyone involved if there isn’t any genuine intent to stop drinking.

The first stage is the medical detox stage.

We offer you the safest and most effective way of stripping the body of every substance through a medical detox, whether in our NAD+ clinic or from the comfort of your own home.

What Is Involved in Medical Detox?

Medical detox is when you are given medication that alleviates any alcohol withdrawal symptoms you would have otherwise, encouraging you to engage and complete the process. During the medical detox process, whether in the NAD+ clinic or your own home, you will be observed by a medical professional throughout to ensure your comfort and safety.

You will be alcohol-free at the end of the detox, and it is common to feel vulnerable at this stage. 

We will then arrange for you to attend aftercare.

What Is Involved In The Aftercare Process?

There are so many approaches to aftercare that work from individual to individual. At EliteVita, we feel we have all the aftercare services you need, like:

Person-Centred Therapy Sessions

Your relationship with alcohol manifests from your journey, so building the therapy sessions around what you need is crucial. Our counsellors have many years of experience helping those addicted to alcohol and even have their own experience with alcohol addiction. The counselling team believe that trying to fit you into a specific mould of approach does not work; instead, we are open to a combination of methods to find what is most effective for you.

Vitamin And Nutrient Injections And Infusion Boosts

It can be overwhelming when you have completed detox. Medical detox can ease the symptoms and help you to reduce cravings, but your body still has to do a lot of hard work.

Essential vitamins and nutrients are consumed by this process. In particular, vitamin B is used by your liver to metabolise alcohol and turn it from ethanol into acetaldehyde before removing it from your body. In doing this, it reduces the amount of vitamins in your body. This might seem like a small issue compared with the challenge of detoxing from alcohol, but vitamin deficiencies can be dangerous. Lack of vitamin B can lead to many of the side effects commonly experienced in the latter half of detox, such as chronic insomnia, headaches, hallucinations, anxiety and depression.

EliteVita recognises that the body needs to be revitalised. That is why we offer a wide range of vitamin and nutrient boosts to get your body back healthy and ready for that journey towards sobriety.

What Kind Of Vitamins Will I Need?

The fact is alcoholism depletes the body of vitamins needed for overall functioning. There are many IV options for different stages of recovery. One of the most potent IV treatments is through Pabrinex.

What Is Pabrinex?

Pabrinex is blend of targeted vitamins and essential antioxidants used intravenously to rapidly correct severe depletion or malabsorption of vitamins B and C. Those dependent on alcohol will have severe deficiencies in these vitamins.

Why Do We Need These Vitamins?

Vitamins B and C are obtained solely from the diet. So, vitamin B and C deficiencies can only arise from poor diet, particularly in those suffering from alcoholism. The B group of vitamins are involved in developing and maintaining the nervous system (brain and nerves) and forming blood cells. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is responsible for maintaining healthy cell structure.

A Pabrinex IV is one of the many boosts we have here, that can go towards making a full recovery from alcoholism.

Vitamins, Nutrients, Amino Acids

I’m Ready To Get Sober. What Now?

We are happy to answer any questions regarding alcohol detox and recovery. So please call us for a free initial consultation, and start your journey today.


Thinking of ditching alcohol? How to make a plan that works for you – Medically reviewed by Alyssa Peckham, PharmD, BCPP — By Crystal Raypole – How to Stop Drinking: 14 Tips for Success (

Guidelines for medically assisted community alcohol withdrawal -Pabrinex Prescribing Protocol PHA55: Mar 2020 – GUIDELINES FOR MEDICALLY ASSISTED COMMUNITY ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL (


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