NAD+ Therapy & Treatment In Glasgow, Scotland

Complete our questionnaire to find out if NAD+ therapy is right for your needs.

What NAD+ Treats

NAD+ Therapy & Treatment

What is NAD+?

NAD or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels are something that exists naturally in our bodies. NAD+ and NADH are enzymes vital to our metabolism.

They aid in moving electrons from one cell to the next. This is how metabolism and energy levels in the body are controlled.

They do this because they affect SIRT 1, which is key to improving resistance to physical and psychological illnesses.

Vitamins, Nutrients, Amino Acids

NAD+ Treatment Options

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fat burner

NAD+ Drip

Find out about our NAD+ IV Drip available at our Clinic in Glasgow.

vitamin c drip

NAD+ Injection

We offer NAD+ IV Injection shots. Book yours today in Glasgow.

commonly known as the energy molecule.

How Does NAD Effect Your Body?

NAD IV therapy is designed to replace depleted levels in your body, hence it is commonly known as the energy molecule.

NADH is a vital part of the Krebs Cycle also known as the citric acid cycle. This is the sequence of chemical reactions that take saved energy from carbs, fats and protein in our bodies. And plays an important role in dissolving and releasing stored energy into our bodies for us to use.

NAD levels get lower naturally as we agE

Why do I need NAD IV treatment?

NAD levels get lower naturally as we age, but poor nutrition and obesity contribute. As we get older, NAD in our bodies is lost.
Alcoholism and drug addiction can influence NAD levels, making it more difficult to use niacin naturally occurring in our diet.
A NAD infusion can be the most effective and quickest way to replenish the levels in your body. This can contribute to a number of age and substance misuse related conditions. These vary from depression, withdrawal and chronic fatigue to obesity and skin problems.

NAD+ Infusions, Therapy & Supplements

NAD Treatment

There are a few ways to increase the level of NAD+ and NADH in your body and experience the health improvement it brings.
NAD treatments are available at our NAD clinic in Glasgow city centre. Your therapy will be overseen by medical professionals with years of experience in NAD treatments.

NAD IV Therapy At Our Clinic

Also known as a NAD drip, this is an infusion of the enzymes that your body converts in to increased NAD levels.

It is thought that a NAD infusion is the most effective way of taking NAD+ as it goes directly into your bloodstream. This is administered at a NAD clinic under the supervision of a doctor specialising in NAD IV treatment.

NAD drips usually take 1-one-to-two hours to complete. During this time, you can sit or lie down and relax in our comfortable clinic.

You will usually return for two or four more sessions after your first appointment. These will be spaced out to make the most of the initial impact of NAD IV treatment. NAD’s immediate effect can be increased energy levels and reduced cravings for those with alcohol dependence.

NAD Injections

NAD Injections, also known as a NAD shot, are also available. They are delivered into the muscle rather than the bloodstream; it is less effective than NAD IV.

NAD Supplements

Although taking some NAD and other derivative supplements is safe and has some effect, it is much less so than both NAD IV and NAD injection.

This is because the absorption of any nutrient through the stomach is much less effective than having it introduced through the bloodstream. This means that NAD supplements increase NAD levels at a much-reduced level than a NAD drip.

NAD+ Questionnaire

Find Out if NAD+ Therapy Is Right For You

Zaara Martinez

I recently had the opportunity to try NAD+ IV treatment, and the results were nothing short of remarkable. This innovative therapy left me feeling rejuvenated, more energized, and mentally sharp. NAD+ IV treatment is a game-changer for anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being and vitality. Highly recommended!

Nathaniel English

NAD+ IV treatment is a true game-changer. It’s as if I hit the reset button on my vitality and health. After my sessions, I felt a remarkable boost in energy and mental clarity. It’s an investment in your well-being that pays off in spades. I can’t recommend NAD+ IV treatment enough for those seeking a fresh lease on life.

Scarlett Ferrell

NAD+ IV therapy delivered results that exceeded my expectations. It felt like a fountain of youth in every drip. Not only did I experience increased energy levels, but my skin even appeared more radiant. NAD+ IV treatment is an incredible secret to maintaining youthfulness and overall wellness. Don’t miss out on this life-changing experience!

NAD IV Treatments From Nadcell Mindcare

lady sleep

Anti Fatigue IV Infusion

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man in car

Executive Plus IV Infusion

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measuring tummy

Fat Burner IV Infusion

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lady and citrus fruits

Vitamin Immune Booster IV Infusion

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Symptoms For NAD+ Treatment

NAD Drip For Oxidative Stress

The main purpose of NAD treatment is to reduce oxidative stress. Oxidation is a normal part of your body’s function. However, oxidative stress happens when the balance of free radicals and antioxidants is disrupted.

Most people have heard of antioxidants, which prevent or slow cell damage. Free radicals are important too, they can protect us against disease. When free radical numbers become higher, this balance is disrupted and cells can be damaged.

NAD is a directly-operating antioxidant which can help to restore the balance of oxidation in the body. An imbalance in antioxidants is caused by a variety of issues, the main concerns are listed below.

Long Covid Treatment

With more and more people emerging from the pandemic with chronic long-term Covid symptoms, there is hope that NAD+ might provide the answer.

One of the main issues with long covid is fatigue. NAD IV supplements have been shown in clinical trials to improve the symptoms of those with chronic fatigue syndrome. The hope is that treatment with NAD+ can give an energy boost to those struggling with post-viral fatigue.

Scientists believe that the inflammatory response to Covid-19 infection is one of the reasons for severe reactions and long-term symptoms. Given the role of NAD+ in reducing inflammation, NAD IV therapy is a viable option that may help those with long-covid symptoms.

NAD IV Depression

There are strong links between niacin generally and psychological disorders. One of the side effects of NAD deficiency is depression and some of its associated symptoms: fatigue, apathy and memory loss.

Numerous studies show that NAD+ supplementation can improve depressive symptoms in a large proportion of people treated. There is substantial speculation about the causes of and solutions to depression. There is a growing body of evidence that NAD and SIRT 1 deficiency may be a factor in causing depression.

NAD IV Anxiety

Many of the same principles apply to anxiety as they do depression. Although they might seem different, they occur together frequently, and one often leads to the other.

There is evidence that NAD supplementations can not only elevate your mood, but also reverse some of the experiences of anxiety. The downward cycles of depression and anxiety can deplete the reward and happiness-creating chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters). NAD IV may help to refresh these and put you on the road to recovery.

NAD IV Obesity

A poor performing metabolism can be a chronic issue that only spirals in time. Those with a low metabolism may gain weight easily, making exercising more difficult and exhausting.

An improvement in energy levels can help you start a healthier lifestyle and loose weight. Getting started is often the biggest hurdle.

Unlike other weight loss treatments, NAD+ focuses on helping you to lead a healthier and fitter life, rather than altering how your body processes fat. Treatments like this are temporary and don’t help with the problem long-term.

NAD Full Body Detox

A poor performing metabolism can be a chronic issue that only spirals in time. Those with a low metabolism may gain weight easily, making exercising more difficult and exhausting.

An improvement in energy levels can help you start a healthier lifestyle and loose weight. Getting started is often the biggest hurdle.

Unlike other weight loss treatments, NAD+ focuses on helping you to lead a healthier and fitter life, rather than altering how your body processes fat. Treatments like this are temporary and don’t help with the problem long-term.


Book A Free Consultation

Speak to us about our range of mind and body boosting treatments and therapies today. Book your treatment and restart your life.

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